A term used to describe anything of diminutive size, from the shrivelled, dessicated spazz hand owned by cheeky TV personality Jeremy Beadle. The shit.
My god check out your Beadle penis!
Waaaaaaaaaa! I'm only as god made me!
by john-I February 19, 2004
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Beadled it: To mess up in the workplace, To fail any task or objective, State of confusion.
by VincentLdN June 24, 2020
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1. Can be used as a word to describe how drunk or under the influence a person is after a night on the tiles.

2. Can also be used as a synonym for the words: Fucked or Shagged
1. Ahh mate I was absolutely Beadled when I left the club last night.

2. Remember that girl Sharon from school? Yeah I beadled her in Magaluf last weekend.
by DKthepoet August 2, 2018
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To pick up the stack of cards in a game of Shithead leaving you with one big hand and one small.
Gutted, now i've got a right beadle. I'll never get rid of these.
by Girry April 23, 2008
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a Caucasian woman who is unpleasant or offensive to sight; an ugly white chick.
All the Coors Light and caffeine in the world and Billy still wouldn't touch that beadle.
by wyebloc February 24, 2012
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a person who 1 has no friends, n 2who i geeky!
(all u'd need to say is)ha ure beadle! nuff said
by laurie November 27, 2003
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