NZ Army slang for infantry/grunt, usually a private. Analogous to "digger" in Australian Army; refers to the large backpack infantry use as a house when in the field.
"Baggies together strong"
- a Lance Corporal

"PoGs are not baggies"
- a baggie
by Anonymous baggie January 4, 2021
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A small airtight plastic-bag containing Marihuana.
Shit my mom's coming home, put the shit back in the baggy and hide it
by ninja_monkey July 4, 2006
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A girl that get's around, hence her 'baggy' vagina.
guy: i shagged that baggy, it was like putting my finger in a cup!!!
by j papi October 6, 2009
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a pair of board shorts, nicknamed such for being worn low, or baggy. common in south africa among surfers.
"i bought a new pair of baggies"
by bill May 4, 2003
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A person you'd have to put a bag over their face to have sex with.
Chris: Dude, Daisy's body is so hot.
Alex: Yeah, but her face is so ugly.
Chris: You're right. She's a Baggy
by kris_d_mac February 7, 2010
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A Prestonian Word for Guys called James
There is no explanation as to where this came from but has become popular in and around the area
Good morning Baggie ( said to a James )
by Fosh117 April 7, 2022
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