1. More inferior, as in quality, condition, or effect.
2. More severe or unfavorable.
3. Being further from a standard; less desirable or satisfactory.
4. Being in poorer health; more ill.
Maybe something bac will happen to you.
by fragileSheep January 2, 2004
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Acronym for 'Born Again Christian'.
"I heard there's a bunch of BACs camping out to protest the Marilyn Manson show."
by Anonymous January 24, 2005
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By Any Chance
Jane: BAC do you have a tissue ?

Pete: Nope sorry
by random stranger007 July 8, 2010
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"Banging Asian Chicks"

Derived from the term BHC (Banging Hot Chicks). Not to say that the two terms cannot overlap. BAC is a subdivision of BHC. Popularized at universities with a proportionately large number of asian chicks on campus.
Person 1: Yo, you gonna BHC tonight?

Person 2: You know, I got that yellow fever. It will be more of BAC for me tonight.
by dunis March 3, 2010
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Acronym for ‘By any chance’.
kuke: Theres a few different videos like this, all are pretty good.
jorge: Got a playlist BAC?
by yorgensen January 12, 2019
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BITCH ASS CUNT, An extreme bitch.
anyone who needs to be called a fun name and they don't need to know what it means.
by G'z Nutz September 12, 2004
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