To have a bf is to have Bitch Fit
I'm about to have a bf if you don't get a clue how stupid you are!
by RyeRye July 20, 2005
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Plural of 'bf,' therefore 'boyfriends'.
So dish, are there any bfs I should know about?
by Jonnners August 12, 2006
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a term on snapchat which means "you're their best friend, but they aren't yours."
person 1: hey what emoji do i have on ur snap
person 2: uhhh *changes emoji from "their bf, but..." to "bff"*
by i'm trying my best May 29, 2018
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BF is the abbreviation for Bitch Face. Used as code for when Ron and John see a bitch face person.
Ron: "John, we need to talk. Man that woman has BF. You can do better than her."

John: " No man, not that woman. She is too old and angry. I was pumpin' on that 20 year old there."
by T_rump_supporter November 27, 2016
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When a person (normally a female) has an unprecedented sour look on their face which equates to them having a bitch face.
Person 1: See that chick on level 6?

Person 2: She has mega BF going on

Person 1: Yeah man, proper bitch face.
by Gringoesai December 3, 2014
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1. Best friend
2. Boyfriend

Mostly used on Roblox to get past the censorship of boyfriend.
Definition 1: ur my bff!
Definition 2: OMG WILL U BE MY BF?
by SkeletonGuy November 15, 2018
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