What Chief Keef likes to say in his songs, it's the sound a gun make so he say Bang Bang!
We ain't gon' fight, our guns gon' fight! Bang Bang! - Chief Keef
by Thankyoubasedgod November 29, 2012
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when you hit someone in the head twice with a large penis.
rob"hey Jack watch this."
rob"take the bang bang"
by HardSolidRectum1003 August 12, 2017
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Albert Family term of endearment… Its another word for using your fists or middle finger. Usually 2 words that you say to people after you call them out to fight you or your family .
Colin aka BANG BANG COLON called out the “Advantage Boys” & yelled BANG BANG

BANG BANG COLON makes videos yelling out BANG BANG
by Canton MA August 4, 2023
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Something you say when you whip out your two hands and form them into a gesture resembling a handgun.
by Dave March 26, 2004
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Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang. Is a explosive that was made in 1872. It suddenly exploded in a plane and killed 6 people.
AAAAAAA LOOK OUT BESTIES ITS A bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang
by Soonweputoneyeliner August 28, 2021
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Fake bootleg clothing, sneakers, jewelry, and or gear.
Guy 1: look at that dudes red monkey jeans and bapes
Guy 2: man all thats bang bang look the stars crooked and the jeans have the wrong tag
by WAV March 19, 2007
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