Aroace, or Aromantic Asexual, is a sexual orientation(like gay, lesbian and hetero) which combines two already existing orientations, aromantic, where the person rarely falls in love romantically with any gender and asexual, where the person does not experience sexual attractions to any gender.

This sexuality means that the person cannot fall in love both sexually and romantically, and it is pretty rare to see an aroace like someone in either of those ways. You can be an aroace while still having crushes, but it should be pretty rare.
'I'm sorry, Betty. I tried, I really did, but she told me herself, she's aroace'
'Well, I'll have to respect her decision, then. Thanks anyway'
by Pleasedon'tkill October 19, 2020
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an identity meaning someone who is aromantic and asexual, or anywhere on either/both spectrum
someone who is aroace
Person 1: I am aroace
Person 2: yesss 🧡💛🤍💙💜
by ThatFemaleAroace September 9, 2022
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aroace is both a asexual (experiences little to no sexual attraction) and a-romantic (experiences little to no romantic attraction).

aroace people can still fall in love whether it’s platonic or is romantic (happens rarely though but it can still happen)

you can be asexual and not be a romantic and you can be a romantic but not be asexual.

there’s also the gray/grey area where a gray/grey aroace rarely falls in love or experiences sexual attraction
sorry i don’t like you that way i’m aroace”
“bro she doesn’t like you, she’s aroace but you can still try”
by oh shittt July 25, 2019
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When you are aromantic and asexual.

(No romantic attraction or sexual attraction.)
person: hey bro wanna date ?
person 2: no sorry im aroace
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Someone who Aromantic and Acesexual.(No romantic or sexual attraction)

They can still be attracted to people just not it a sexual or romantic way.
For example an Aroace can be aesthetically attracted to woman.

(Hello my fellow aroaces! 🧡💛🤍💙💜)
Person 1: "Hey wanna date?"
Aroace person: "Sorry I'm Aroace."
by lizzy :> December 13, 2022
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aroace is when you're both asexual and romantic

Aka: Fuck love
Person1: Hey, rate me on how sexy I am
Person2: 0
Person1: HEY! Why!?
Person: I'm aroace
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