Originating from Chico CA. A Gravity bong made from a gallon bottle of Arizonas Tea Arnold Palmer.
(Caugh, Caugh) Dude! (Caugh Caugh Caugh)That Arnold Palmer almost made me throw up.
by mother fucking shit March 10, 2010
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A bisexual person; some one who's half attracted to men, half attracted to women, just like the drink is half lemonade, half tea.
Person 1: Are you gay?
Person 2: Nah bro, I'm an Arnold Palmer. I'm attracted to both sexes.
by seanvad February 13, 2016
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When you don't heat your glass right for a hotrail and end up with half of it smoking and the other half of it snorted.
Guy 1: Why's Jerimiah all teary eyed?
Guy 2: He just Arnold Palmered that huge line bro.a
by GalFieri August 16, 2022
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The sexual act of tea-bagging someone, and then proceeding to urinate in their mouths. Derives from the tea and lemonade combo of the popular drink.
Dude, that girl loves Arnold Palmer.
by arnoldpalmer111 February 22, 2010
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If you tea-bag someone then piss on them. (Anrold Palmer is a drink that is tea and lemonade, pee looks like lemonade)
"He was just tea-bagging him when he peed on him by acccident, I guess he got an Arnold Palmer!
by Maj Trouble September 27, 2011
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a yummy drink usually consumed by teenage boys named mac who watch porn. 1/2 lemonade 1/2 iced tea. very yummayyy
Mac: I love arnold palmer when i watch porn, i jizz into the bottle lawlzz!
by arnoldpalmer68iou1 July 21, 2010
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