The ants is basically a tiktok trend where some girl was eating a fruit with ants and the video said “the ants 😡🐜” and now it’s practically a useless meme going around.
Hey, you know about the ants, jimmy? Yeah, the ants 😡🐜.
by mQrZ September 18, 2019
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The name Ante comes from Croatia and is one of the most beautiful names I could think of atm.
A boy called Ante must be the boy who makes your stommach being full of butterflies.

Ante is the boy you will fall in love with and you will start falling so damn hard for him.

Ante is attractive, he is so god damn hot, he is such a handsome young man. Ante is as beautiful from the outside as he is from the inside. He‘s got a heart full of gold, he‘s loyal, kind, honest and caring. Ante is a smartie, he‘s so clever.
Ante is the boy every girl will wish for.
Having Ante in your life is so fullfilling, he is a pure enrichment in your life that might be a mess sometimes.
You can do everything with him and nothing as well and you will have a great, no perfect, time. You should be grateful to spend time with Ante.

If you have an Ante in your life, you can call you lucky. Ante is to keep, he is to be loved hard and true. If you have an Ante in your life your life will gain in depth. Keep him and never let him go. You just got to love him bc what else can you do?
„Oh you got a bf? What‘s his name?“
-„yes man! He‘s called Ante! He‘s the one everyone should have in ones life but oh damn I dont want to share my boy!“
by sassygirlcalledlena June 13, 2018
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Small insects that live in "ant hills"
They usually infest your home and are annyoing as hell.
by PiE! March 18, 2003
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Amount of money or chips that each player puts into the pot before the cards are dealt.
Bruce Lee: How much is the ante for this game?
Jose Contreras: 100 bucks or your left testicle... your choice.
by benny b from the bronx February 22, 2005
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When something has become afflicted by the effects of ants, be it covered with, eaten by, or even turned into an ant.
I left out my meatball on the counter and now it's anted
by diqhed October 24, 2020
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Social insects that behave remarkably like human beings in Hong Kong, New Delhi or New York.
by Not-so-bo-ri-ng September 30, 2003
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