Ammy is a talented beauty but never realizes it. Shes always there for the people she loves and would never turn her back on them. She is so beautiful when she walks in the room everyone stares because they can’t help it. Shes damages but never shows it. She will help you when she’s the one who needs helping. She a true friend always and forever.
“Ammy always helps me threw tough times
“Of cause she always is@
by Jesus Christ lord in vain February 18, 2019
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Ammi is a beautiful girl one of a kind and very outgoing.She is unique and not afraid to standout from the crowd.She is a very smart and has many talents.She is funny loves helping people close to her, even if it means to make a fool of herself.They will stick with you through anything thick and thin and ups and downs.They are very rare and amazing to have in your life.
Ammi is a very brave girl.
by Jane0106 August 11, 2019
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n-Bad/Good Girl

1. A female who is both good and bad at the same time.
2. A person who is good at times and bad at other times.
3. A girl-next door but also a partygirl

That girl is such a Ammy. She volunteers all the time, but she loves bending the law.
by JustBeingMe January 14, 2007
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Ammi comes from a foreign word from the Muzzle Dictionary, created by Muzzle himself in 2010 at 7:30 pm.
It came from the smell of lunch by what Muzzle explained, he walked in the lunch room and saw Ammi's dead body on the lunch table. His killer is unknown...
by Kid H5 January 12, 2023
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An Ammy is the most amazing person. She’s relatable and kind but funny and hilarious and beautiful. She’s intelligent and is AMAZING and brightens up the room.
She’s such an Ammy.
by Besos_sup April 29, 2019
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this word is usually use in subcontinent to call his or her mother
she is my mother you can say she is my ammi
by mlung December 26, 2011
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