A female warrior from greek mythology, who would often travel in pairs of 2 and their main color was red.

Their most famous queen was Hippolyta, who was captured by Hercules as one of his 7 tasks. Hippolyta called her Amazon warriors, and they fought and beat Hercules and his men.

They would cut off their left breast, so that they could shoot their bow and arrows more easily. They were also very tall, strong, and aggresive.
"Our teacher read us about the amazons during Greek Mythology"
by I like lizards October 22, 2006
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An industry that doesn’t know how to pay its workers. Also has a smiley face.
Someone who works at Amazon really should speak out!
by A friendly wirus December 13, 2018
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To browse amazon for gifts or items to get. Much like "googling".
Rob was amazoning to find something to get his girlfriend for Christmas.
by NoSoup4U December 4, 2010
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amaZon women are the best women to have sex with. there tall, sexy and great in bed..
by CoReY and TiMmY June 11, 2003
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A big godess, usually a BBW, they are tall and demanding. Sex with an amazon usually includes facesitting, foot worship, wrestling, and other ways of showing domination.
Once I walked into the room I seen that Mistress Amanda was gonna treat me as her sex slave. I dove to my knees and pleeded for mercy but she forced me to lick her feet clean; I had become her sex toy for pleasure. The BBW Amazon treated me like a pony and rode me everywhere.
by Amazon lover April 13, 2007
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a website where people can buy cds, dvds, vhs, gmaes, software, books, and other expensive crap... many geeks people use this site for finding covers to print them to their illegally downloaded music... www.amazon.com
by Anis January 9, 2006
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one who purchases online from Amazon
She clicked on the 'zon link to start amazoneering
by LatentSemantic January 1, 2015
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