Possibly the greatest nightclub in the south east of england...established in rochester and is therefore hugely popular amongst complete mindless half-wits who like nothing more than getting trashed and starting on their mates. is also incredibly popular among absolutely stunning females...which is nice
"are yoooz lot gaahn daahn amadeus tanite?"
"nah caahnt be aaahsed innit"
"shall we just shoot up?"

"Christ....look at the femoire in here!!!"
by Browners07 February 27, 2005
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B.J. Penn's brother Amadeus plays the upright bass in the band The Sadies and wears really, really nice jackets.
Damn, just look at Amadeus Penn's jacket. It's awesome.
by last_gunslinga June 29, 2010
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this is the best school in the netherlands by far
Me: i have school on the amadeus lyceum
Guy: yo you cool as frick
by Grimi October 9, 2019
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A term used to describe a middle-school child who thinks they're really cool but they're actually not.
He's a real Amadeus Dick.
by whiteboyz36 October 9, 2017
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If you ever meet this user, you're extremely lucky. He is an amazing being and can light up a room with the simple act of walking in. He's an, overall, great friend, and the most overpowered and professional figure pieced together with only the most valuable characteristics of all time.
Have you ever seen Amadeus#0001 around? I heard he's great.
Yeah, I have met him before. He's even better than the descriptions say!
by ~🍞~ February 11, 2021
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A suffix added to the end of a name of someone who is pompous, pretentious, and otherwise grossly beguiled by their own sense of entitlement, and their given name doesn’t justify their personality enough.
Lauren: I want to talk to your manager, I demand my 72 cents.

Ben: Chill out, it’s not a big deal. You’re being a real Lauren Amadeus Bandersnatch Weissenhaus right now.
by Bennehftw June 18, 2022
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Do to me whatever you want; Give me your best shot; Tell me the worst; Try me.
"What did she say?"
"I don't think you'd like to hear that..."
"Rock me, Amadeus."
by Asaf June 19, 2005
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