Very awesome guy, chicks love him, every night he has a girl and he is rich AF.
"Wow that Aleksei is so HOT"
by GrishaGopnik May 31, 2017
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A great friend and lovely Twitch Mod! Sometimes known as 'The Russian' or 'Russian Aleks', everyone loves Aleks' kind and gentle personality and dedication to his friends! Everyone needs an Aleksei in their lives! We love you Aleksei!!!
Person 1: "Where's Aleksei?"

Person 2: "I dunno he'll probably be here soon"

Person 1: "I hope he comes soon... miss him" T.T
by TheOmnipotentKitty October 26, 2020
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a pittsburgh penguin hockey player.
skates like he has a slice betwix his legs
aleksey morozival
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A state of melancholy where you just want to be loved but at the same time don't want to take risks. You also want to float off into oblivion with nothing but a piano and dramatic lighting.
"Recently I have been having a tough time, I've been in an Aleksei state of mind"
"Oh no!"
by Ellie Worthe May 31, 2021
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