A similar name to Alexandra. You are great even if you don't think so. I hope you know your worth. Never let others hurt you, you don't deserve it. Please if you know a Aleksandra treat her right. Never make her feel sad, lonely or something else she doesn't deserve it. She is a good person, so stay her friend.
Person A: "Are friends with a Aleksandra? "
Person B: "Unfortunately not anymore cause i couldn't do what i should have. "
by peepyourfriend<3 November 21, 2021
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A white girl who always desired to be black so badly. Her favorite activity in the entire world is to look at feet pics. She is ponish by des ent. She is never online and hates all of her friends. Her thirst of communicating with her acquaintances equals to zero. Consumes Genshin impact 24/7 . She ignores all the suffering she brings to her friends.

-This is quite saddening-
Aleksandra: “Because, I wanted to be black.”

Aleksandra: “Sorry I’m in a call with friends, I’ll call you later, maybe...’

-Thousand years later-

by BingusLover69 February 1, 2021
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Aleksandra is a name for a female, mostly for Polish women or Russian women. Aleksandra's are sweet,funny,smart,nerdy and mostly lazy. Aleksandras love eating, especially salty foods, like pringles. Aleksandras are often known as lesbians. Don't get on an Aleksandra's bad side, or she'll bite you! but she's often really sweet and takes care of her loved one. Nicknames for Aleksandra Are: Sandra, Alex, Sasha, Alexa, Sandy.
Guy1: OMG! Is that Aleksandra!?
Guy2:It Is! I heard she's really smart and pretty!
by Howdy There January 25, 2020
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A name for a girl who is well-liked by everyone. She always has a big smile ready for everyone, and loves to be around others. Can be very stubborn and moody at times, but she considers you as a friend, she will be extremely loyal.
In society usually a very popular person.
Smart, pretty, kind and active.
In Eastern-European societies spelled like this, in Western Societies usually as Alexandra.
There goes Aleksandra, looking gorgeous as usual.
by ali3 January 28, 2008
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An extremely intelligent and damn sexy girl that loves to be around others. Although she is known for her really beautiful hair and stunning face that makes guys wanna leave their girlfriends for her. She knows how to deal with guys and animals. Aleksandra is usally very popular and is well-liked by everyone. No matter how famous she is she will always be down to earth. To put it in a nutshell SHE is the most gorgeous girl in the world and her slaying attitude makes her totally perfect af.
Person1: do you smell this?
Person2: oh yeah. It smells like a victoria's secret perfume! I bet it's Aleksandra.
Person1: yes! And look at her perfect booty
by Danielle_1 December 29, 2016
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A man. Just a man. Likes manly things and sex. Yeah, basic bitch.
Guy1: yo mama is such an Aleksandras

Guy2: no.
by Gayagya February 11, 2020
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If you ever meet an aleksandra (ola) you already know that she is the kindest person ever... sike. she is so dumb and always forgets everything everywhere. she is just dumb yeah thats it. also she is mucho violenta and olvidadiza.
"who forgot this PE kit?"
"oh it was probably aleksandra (ola)"
by greysanatomy108 September 16, 2019
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