He is such an Adem!
by RealLifeMermaid2k03 March 11, 2017
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The retarded way of saying Adam.
Usually voiced by his lazy friends who can't be arsed to say/type his name properly.
m3nly v3nly: adem pls

Adaxium: Sorry, what?

m3nly v3nly: adem pls scrub

Adaxium: Dude, my name is Adam; say it the right way.
by Adaxium October 7, 2013
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A self centred twat who is the gayest person you'll ever meet. he has no life and enjoys his career as a child predator. he says hes a muslim but hes actually jewish. dumb as rock, he also has a small cock.
ha, you sound like adem.
by EddieBoy April 30, 2019
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The name of a short nigerian guy with a small penis who doesn't like school but is forced to go based off of the morals and values of all nigerian people. He will most likely be in the profession of medicine, science, or engineering. Overall a fun guy to be around but can also be an annoyance with his superior attitude and haughtiness. A lovable, cocky, and wealthy guy who keeps his distance from most. Easily perceived to be one way but beneath it all is the complete opposite. Someone who is fake and phony, tries to please everyone but is secretly disliked.
Guy: Hey that kid is stating obvious facts.
Girl: What a douche, his name must be adem
by the truth seeker 654654 April 10, 2010
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a fucking irritating piece of shit, whom most of the time is gay.
i hate Adem, everyone hate Adem.
by clever shit August 18, 2020
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A true and proper sick cunt, he;s the man he is a real nice and friendly guy but what ever you do don't get on his mean side because he can be a crazy Albanian and he will fuck you up and leave you for dead because he's a sick cunt like that.
Person 1:"Oh my God who's that he's so hot"
Person 2:" That's Adem Balla i heard he's great in bed"
Person 1:"Oh my God i just want him to do me"
by HASSAN KUMAR November 15, 2018
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The best people alive they cannot be broken apart their love is to great for anyone to destroy it

They are everything to each other, and their the only source of true happiness to each other

Mel brings a smile to Adem's face when she around

Adem makes Mel happy by using he's great comedy jokes and he's always there for her

These people could never leave each other

i love you Mel
Adem and Mel are the only people who could bring joy to the world
by Adem Hasty's love November 5, 2020
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