Army Of Faggots, or Assholes On Fire
AOF is an Army Of Faggots!
by The Thrash December 20, 2005
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Player 1: Player 3 is AOF
Player2: Yeah I know
Player 3: hkglsdkjahfljkhasd
Player 3:fdsjashkfashdjkfdf
--------Player 3 has been banned by Admin 1---------
by Auron FFX June 19, 2016
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When said person has a extremely raspy throat that sounds like they are eating a slipper while talking.
Hey Peter, Today you really sound like you have a AOF throat is everything okay?
by PWR_Microwave March 7, 2021
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AOF is a term for a birth certificate with an apology letter from a condom factory.
That AOF tard can't cope that, what an idiot.
by Dr.Medic August 31, 2019
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Actress over 40 years old.

Completely obsessed with plastic surgery and appearance.

Boxed checked on female actors contract.
Beware, she’s an AOF
by Billy-Soo September 18, 2019
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