Abbreviation for "American Born Chinese".
A child who is born in America and has two Chinese parents born in China. Their parents usually push them too hard because they were born in America and not China. They usually sign them up for piano and/or violin, computer and/or math clubs, Chinese school, and usually not sports. The ABC's parents don't let them have any friends and acquaintances, and whenever they are in public, they look ashamed to have them as a child.
Guy on the street in Chinatown: IS YAW SUN ABC?
ABC's parent: *nods silently*

(***awkward silence***)
by ChocoNips July 7, 2009
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First three letters of the English alphabet.

Part of the entire alphabet.
by ABC Guy May 18, 2004
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The Abc's is also known as the alfaphbet EVEN THOUGH IT IS ONLY THREE LETTERS.
Do you know the ABC's
Yea A-B-C

no the alfabet
by Jessica Stakel October 8, 2019
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Already Been Chewed - or American Broadcasting Company. Virtually the same thing.
by the girl July 27, 2003
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A technique you can use when performing oral sex on a woman. Simply put, you use your tongue to trace the letters of the alphabet on a womans vagina.
I began using the ABC technique on her pussy but got tongue twisted when i forgot what came after Q.
by Vengence March 7, 2008
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plural noun, 1. The alphabet.
singular noun, 2. The basic facts of a subject.
1. One of the first things preschoolers learn are their ABC's.
2. Using dimensional analysis is considered to be one of the ABC's of analyzing the physical sciences.
by some punk kid September 27, 2005
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It's basically what you learnt before you could walk...

The first three letters of the alphabet.
See? As simple as that...
Taylor has to learn his abc before going to kindergarten.
by Girl who liked 👱 blonde hair December 13, 2017
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