The kindest and most helpful person u'll ever meet. She always makes sure ur supported and will legit kill u with compliments. Also one of the best looking girls in the world who legit could be a model without trying. She will never let u down and will help you even if it kills her. Basically a mf goat who is rare af to come across in a world.
Bruh Puppi is legit such a fucking bad bitch but smart and helpful at the same time iss fucking with my brain.
by 90099009 January 7, 2021
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A cute animal that is born by a mom dog.The puppy is born with its eyes shut and born with goo on it.
I really want to get a puppy for my birthday.
by Wasiel February 10, 2018
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A pet name. Mostly for a cute shaggy hair girl or boy. One with blue, green or brown eyes.
by AlienCow February 3, 2010
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the ability to retain a child-like demeanor despite becoming an adult
He has clearly lost his puppiness!
by peaceloveandpuppiness December 24, 2017
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1. A very cute, young, fuzzy, typically small and playful dog.
2. Referring to an object.
3. (Slang) A very attractive girl who attracts guys by whining.
1. Nothing is cuter, sweeter, or snugglier than a puppy. =)
2. That's one fast puppy!
3. The new girl on my street is a puppy.
by Someone, March 10, 2006
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