the remote :)
"Where is the mote for the t.v.?"
by tizzle November 5, 2003
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To express interest in making plans, make said plans, then at the last minute bail out with no explanation to all parties involved.
We made plans with Casey, then he totally moted us.
by Andybellamy November 20, 2016
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When someone gives oral sex slowly and orderly.
Since we were in my mother's car, Jessica gave me that mote.
by Mote-or-Die May 9, 2010
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means goodnight.

This word came to be by accident, but caught on. Here is the IRC log that explains it

<bakunyu> Well I'm off to bed. Mote everyone!
<SnT> mote?
<bakunyu> Err... nite everyone
<SnT> mote bak :P
- Well I'm off to bed!
- Mote man, sweet dreams!
by Bakunyu October 3, 2004
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things to do, to work hard (noun, verb)

1) I have so many motes
2) I am moting so hard right now
by Yo, yo kasbah April 21, 2007
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