The wussy act of saying "I like them all" instead of actually stating a preference, usually because you don't know or don't care about what's being asked.
Dude, I asked her which flavor she liked best but she went totally Michael Bolton on me!
by cr0nky August 24, 2007
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Derogatory term used by bicyclists or a bike shop employee referring to an office worker looking for a single speed bike or someone riding a single speed. This term is used because the rear wheel of a single speed is "bolted on", thus, Bolton. Also in reference to the movie Office Space and the character Michael Bolton. Person looking to buy a lifestyle in addition to a bicycle.
One bike shop employee to another bike shop employee, "Can you go help that Michael Bolton with the Bianchi Pista and ask him if he wants a matching messanger bag?".
by Clayton Coffelt April 4, 2008
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Transitive Verb; The act of leaving. To go someplace.
I'm Michael Bolton to the Kwik-E-Mart for a barley sandwich.
by Harry Weininger March 25, 2005
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The source of all that is evil. In cahoots with Randall Flagg and to a lesser extent Fiona's Dad and Pierce Brosnan. Has been around since the beggining of time and fought in both world wars and the zulu wars of africa.
Father to Jeff Bolton, of which he is deeply embaressed. Is one of the founding members of the 'Legion of Evil': along with :
Randall Flagg
Fiona's Dad
Pierce Brosnan.
Has been known to be eccentric in his britishness and is also been known to shout "Huzzah". Constantly in battle with Pete Doherty of the 'League of Good'.
Michael Bolton demands total world domination, complete obedience and a cup of tea and a barley sandwich. And one for Fiona's Dad. Cut into Triangles. With Mustard.
by Jay, John and Chris March 13, 2006
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To quit easily due to fear.
Did you see how quick that guy pulled a Michael Bolton, if only he had stuck it out he would of realised it was easy.
by ElCunt0 November 8, 2018
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I'll be honest with you, I love his music, I do, I'm a Michael Bolton fan. For my money, it doesn't get any better than when he sings "When a Man Loves a Woman"
by dildo777 April 4, 2023
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Noun: A "secret", publicly acceptable word, to let your friends know that someone nearby has nipples visible through their clothing.

(usually and attractive woman, although a fat guy may be referenced for comedy effect.)
1. "Michael Bolton's toes!" used in no other context, so as to obscure it's true meaning. Do NOT say "That chick has Michael Bolton's toes."
by Atom G June 13, 2006
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