In English, it is translated to "2 times 5". (Which sounds like a math equation)

But the meaning is to say that someone or a group of people that they're basically doing the same thing as someone else.
Usually a bad thing.

It could mean: "They're all just the same."

Here's how you use this:
In Malay:
A: 2 kali 5 ja durang ni.
A: Janganlah kamu cakap-cakap lagi- sia tau kamurang semua salah juga ni.

In English (for the sake of translation):
A: They're all just the same. (2 kali 5)
A: No need to say more- I know you're all in the wrong.
by Vince0110 January 3, 2022
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a track from radioheads "hail to the thief" have reviewed the album they said:

"Hail to the Thief borrows equally from each. Its title implies that this will be a collection filled with songs of anger and dissent, but Radiohead no longer howl at the moon like they did on 1995's The Bends. Instead, they use eloquent metaphors and complicated arrangements to express the uncertainty, fear and anger arising from the 2000 U.S. presidential election and a post-9/11 world. There’s no doubt about where Thom Yorke and company stand; the prog-rock break on "2 + 2 = 5" and Yorke's terror at the thought of being "put in a dock" make that immediately clear"

it can be used to express strange things that have happend , and or lack any sence
"did you see how that guy got an extra can of drink from that machine?"

"yes it was very 2+2=5"
by wikiki March 25, 2005
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2-5 is a section of Landover, Maryland in Prince George's County. The area is centered on Dodge Park road off of Landover Road. The area gets its name from the 25 Hour store located on Dodge Park Rd. near Kings Square Apartments.
"Oh you live in Landova?"

"Yeah son, Kings Square, 2-5 all day!"
by Only1k2 March 23, 2008
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Interesting fact: 2.4 (which rounds to 2) plus 2.3 (which rounds to 2) is equal to 4.7 (which rounds to 5).
You could then end up with 2 + 2 = 5 if you don't keep the same number of significant figures in your calculations.
by n3rd March 26, 2005
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A sort of Area Code for Landova (Landover) Located in Prince George's County, Maryland. It is often shouted out in gogo music.
Reppin dat 2-5 4 Lyfe.
by C-Boss January 14, 2008
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Maths nerds making a joke out of some line from George Orwell's 1984
"Well *actually* 2 + 2 could = 5 !"

*pathetic nerd eagerly waits for confused stares to reinstate his superiority
by What March 25, 2005
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