the most sexiest ppl are born on this day they are really sexy and have pretty ass girlfriends usually there girl friends have a c in there name because they are capricorn’s
that dudes sexy, “ obviously he is born on January 15
by january 15th October 26, 2019
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Friend : Hey chad it’s January 15 did you give Lilian your hoodie today
Chad : yep and she gave me her scrunchie
by Eiekennedhjsnwbw January 15, 2020
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Ted *walks by and see’s megan and jo making out* “thats normal“ walks by and see’s everyone eithee cuddling or kissing* “okay what the heck is going on?” ITS JANUARY 15
by Emily evensen January 13, 2021
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The day that if you ask your crush out they can’t say no
Jake: Hey there’s Rebecca go ask her out
Blake: What no she’ll reject me
Jake: No she can’t it’s January 15
by DumptruckBlake January 12, 2021
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The perfect day, half of a month after new year, just after holidays. The smartest and most sarcastic people are born this day. They’re not bitches or dicks, they’re hilarious. They’re revolutionary people who need attention. Martin Luther king, Pitbull, Cameron Dove, Ariella Ferrara and Ben Shapiro are born january 15 and Wikipedia went online for free this day too.

For January 15, Florida men threatened his neighbors to kill them with kindness.

It’s also avocado day.
Omg Maria is born January 15th, she’s going to change the world. What a goddess! Let’s go eat guacamole for her birthday!
by crustyheehee November 15, 2019
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People who are borned on the january 15th(CAPRICORN)are literally the prettiest people i have ever seen. Here are some good traits and bad traits of people who boned on the january 15th

good traits--- loyal, ambitious, kind, reliable, helpful, good at sports, mature, responsible,

independent, persistent.

bad traits--- Know-it-all, unforgiving, condescending, mean, sassy, sarcastic af, manipulative, good at lying, judgemental, moody.

not all people who are born on the january 15th are boring. They can be really goofy and fun to be with as along as you don't judge what they do. They can either be very kind of mean af. You will either be their worst enemy or their best friend. They dont forgive people easily especially when they think you have done something very wrong towards them. Sometimes they would feel like partying and going out with friends, but sometimes they just feel like staying at home by themselves. They are okay with being alone at school or anywhere else but sometimes, they just want people to start making conversation with them and talk with them as they actually dont really like being alone.
person 1: wow she is really good at sports and she is very mature!!

person 2 :well thats because she is borned on the january 15

person 3: wow she is mean and very sarcastic

person 4: thats because she is borned on the january 15
by falash October 25, 2019
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