the day of getting with the person you wanna fuck with and doing it for a long time. Then ending up together for a long time. There are no flaws on this day
by Louis Koch III May 9, 2019
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May 10th is Stick your tongue down somebody's throat day.
Girl: hey im going to stick my tounge down your throat sonce it's may 10th, you know , stick your tongue down somebody's throat

Guy: okay.
by Ayeeeeesha April 17, 2019
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May 10th is the day where you'll tell whoever you want whatever you've needed to tell them in the longest.
"Dude it's May 10th you know what that means ;)"

"No I'm not gonna tell him I like him =/"
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May 10 is national kick siblings day! So if you have siblings, prepare to kick them!
I can't wait to kick my sister on MAY 10, National kick my siblings day!!!
by Dictionary Carrot December 11, 2020
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The day where you get witht he person you love and do it for a while. You will end up with them for a long time hopefully and it will be a good one
by Louis Koch III May 9, 2019
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