Man in the clouds: used when u are shy in a conversation

An alternative to ๐Ÿ™ˆ

When you wanna get out of a situation itโ€™s like saying maybe, maybe not
Girl: hey were u following me earlier
Girls bsf: ๐Ÿ˜ถ ๐ŸŒซ๏ธ
by Shajajskakakjaejj May 6, 2021
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This is usually something said after someoneโ€™s career just ended when you got them with a joke. It would replace the common catchphrase โ€˜Get Wreckedโ€™
Shawty: Hey Janice, do you like goblins?
Janice: I guess. Iโ€™m more of a ogre fan.
Shawty: Get Dusted ๐Ÿ˜ถ ๐ŸŒซ๏ธ
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The emoji that is new
Its the new ๐Ÿ˜ถ ๐ŸŒซ๏ธ emoji!

Me: wait wha-
by Milovuk September 6, 2023
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this an emoji used on a foggy day. itโ€™s supposed to represent fog in your face.
๐Ÿ˜ถ ๐ŸŒซ๏ธโ€œAhhh, Iโ€™ve got fog in my face!โ€
by yayeetbebebe June 18, 2021
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Bro where u been u been ๐Ÿ˜ถ ๐ŸŒซ๏ธ lately
by Ja_way2fluid September 22, 2022
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i have literally no idea what the fuck this means and what psycho uses it

it's either a dude in the clouds, a dude in a bubble bath, or lots of cum
Person 1: ๐Ÿ˜ถ ๐ŸŒซ๏ธ
Person 2: what the fuck does that mean
Person 1: no fucking clue
by Aurixita October 17, 2022
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