When someone says there around the corner they are just now leaving
Guy:hey wya
Girl: I’m just around the corner
*30mins later
Guy: I thought you were around the corner
by Yogurlmaxwell November 19, 2021
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To get thoroughly screwed on something so that only the other party benefits but you don’t. Get screwed in the ass without getting a courtesy handjob.
Dude 1: “My roommate moved out before the lease was up and took my TV”

Dude 2: “Damn, bro. *reach around not included, huh?”
by The Fratriarch June 1, 2023
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To scrounge about, causing mischief and scheming to FSU.
Tonight, we're gonna fiend around at the party.
by Rak B'Yisrael October 13, 2017
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A goatee that looks like a dirty ring of an anus. See David Whol’s face
Look at that ring around the butthole on David Wohl’s face.
by Randy Cadillac January 28, 2019
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Refers to the common but totally unproductive/destructive practice of a young child's parents and/or two or more older family members successively "delegating" or "passing the buck" from one family member to another when the youngster asks a difficult/uncomfortable question, rather than the initially-queried adult's simply saying, "I don't know" or, "That is not something you need to know just yet --- wait till you're a few years older to ask about that."
Small girl: Daddy, how was I born? Where did I come from?
Father (glancing up from his evening paper): Go ask your mother that question.
Small girl (toddling over to her mother, who is knitting by the fire): Mommy, how was I born? Where did I come from?
Mother (looking up from her knitting, surprised): You know --- that's a really excellent question... why don't you ask your father about that.
Small girl: Well, I already did --- Daddy told me to ask you.
Mother (exasperated): Oh --- well, then, I think maybe your Uncle John could help you answer that.
Small girl (going outside where her uncle is lounging on the porch swing): Uncle John, how was I born? Where did I come from?
Uncle John: Hummmm... lemme guess --- didja ask your parents about that, and they sent you to me?
Small girl: Yes, Uncle John --- Mommy said you'd be just the person to ask.
Uncle John: Ahhhh... givin' ya da ol' family-member run-around, are they?
by QuacksO October 27, 2016
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Clothes that you only wear in your house that aren’t pjs and aren’t outside clothes
Im gonna put on some lay-arounds when I get home from work.
by Scientific hooker February 23, 2022
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