A person who is retarded when it comes to techology
I asked my friend Jenny Lee why she never uses her Bluetooth headphones and that's when I called her a tech tard
by Manuel59manuel June 3, 2020
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A guy named Aidan with mega-tism
Man Aidan is a Mega-Tard”
by Madsspam22 July 29, 2023
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A midget who has intellectual disabilities.
You: Did you see that wee-tard?

Friend: No, where?

You: Nevermind. You can't see him. He just walked behind a mini cooper.
by Red Handed Bandit March 8, 2019
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A way of insulting someone by tricking them into asking about someone called Urie. Sounds like you're retarded. Similar to Joe Mama.
Person 1: Hey do you know Urie?
Person 2: No, who's Urie?
Person 1: Urie Tarded!
Person 2: *Goes and cries in a corner*
by Urie Mama September 14, 2021
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A boat operator who is clueless to the rules on safe boating. An inebriated boat captain who puts his crew and boaters around him in peril.
Look at that Sea Tard. He's going to swamp those kayakers.
by Blumpkin'd January 14, 2021
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Someone who is quick at processing a lot of nonsense.
That quick-tarded dude mistakingly thinks he's the standard of intelligence, but in reality, he's not only unaware, but he is not.
by Billy.G1 January 18, 2020
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The f-tard feels no pain, as we taste it (in the sense we mean), and is retard-strong, reducing internal microstate density. The stratification of f-tard order dictates a greater entropy (social degree of disorder) in the surrounding grand scheme. Respect for the "ultimate disabled" is an inversion. Wasted time is what really cripples us, what the time demon, entropy, inhabits and feeds on. The mind is what counts. Conscious awareness is the fourth dimension. Sharing graciously, owing a debt of gratitude for the health we enjoy, the cards we were dealt. I wasn't meant to live.
Fooling with the f-tard is like taking on a midget. You can't win
by Fanwood Watcher February 17, 2020
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