A scared person who can’t fight so pussys out by saying “peaceful fight”
Come on then let’s fight

He says no can we have a peaceful fight
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A form of gay sex when one man violently jumps on another mans back and brutally sticks there dick into there ass providing a form of pleasurement.
by January 1, 2022
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Dude, that lesbian was PAC-Man fighting her girlfriend last night
by NerdBot2021 November 4, 2021
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It is when 2 students get involved in a fight and probably end without teeth
-Brooooo, 2 guys got in a Student Fight and one spat a tooth!-
-Yeah, dude, I have the teeth right here!-
by Peta Hater 06 May 13, 2019
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Where you catch your fart in your hands and chuck it at someone.the other person does the same.the first person to hold their nose loses.
hey do you want to have a (farting fight )
ye sure
by glitterfan101 June 24, 2017
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a dumbass way to say that a group of freshman in high school or college get into a fight and woop beat the shit out of each other.
The frosh fight started by the annoying freshman boy called a fight but the result of the ended up with the other freshman boy kicking his ass
by NiggerFaggotPussyBoner July 25, 2017
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Real cats wearing tiny boxing gloves
Man, they're being animals in that CAT FIGHT, more of an animal than normal
by Harold's Nuggets June 18, 2022
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