Zaynee is a badass author. She loves chicken. She is extremely sweet and is kindhearted. She loves her cousins very much.
by Rmerai819 August 19, 2021
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A Rascal zayn is someone who forces women to fuck themselves in the anus with a dildo whilst having sex.
“Hey, you wanna fuck that dude?”

“Nah, he’s a Rascal Zayn
by Deddy03 November 24, 2021
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An ugly fat Nigga that thinks he cute when he really down bad
“Yo you see that boy over there?”
Oh yeah that’s just zaynes ugly ass
by Mamabicho13472 May 31, 2022
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He’s a guy that’ll fuck up a Colby with his 32 foot long SHLOUNG. He’s not scared of shit and everyone who comes within a couple feet will instantly piss them selves
Colby-oh shit is that a zayne

Colby- he’s gonna fuck me up with his 32 foot long shloung
by Bobbyslobtop69 November 12, 2020
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Zayne is not your ordinary guy! In fact he is everything but ordinary. At first he makes it seem as if he is a decent human being, but don’t be fooled! Zayne is the worst man to encounter, for reasons such as;

-Short, patchy neck beard, and scoliosis. You don’t want to breed with a man like this because your offspring will have jello spines!

-He will gaslight you over everything you talk about! Your eyes are brown? No, they’re blue today. He’s the worst person to exist, no! YOU ARE! He ruined your life? NO! You ruined his!!!
-He often tries to guilt you, and this is bad! If you argue with him about something as little as the color of the sky, he will threaten suicide, which keep in mind is a big NO-NO AND ILLEGAL!

-He’s a military addict, and having not ever been in the military, you won’t get any benefits. In fact… he doesn’t have a job and has no plan to obtain one!

-3 out of 10 Zayne’s(studied at Zayne & Chicken Studies) are addicts and not just to marijuana, but things such as meth, heroin, and cocaine!


side note- 9 Zayne’s out of 9 1/2 (Also studied at Zayne & Chicken Studies) are gay… so watch out gaybies!
Did you hear about that Zayne guy? He completely screwed over his gf’s life and even threatened her! He’s so violent and mean. At least he knows how to roll a joint.
by seiwwa February 10, 2023
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This is a man that follows the Code of Bushido without failure. He upholds his morals and integrity higher than any other individual on this earth. Beware though. If you meddle with any of his close acquaintances, you will suffer the full wraith of the true warrior of the Bushido. He will not spare a single so. Be warned of this warrior of the Bushido.
by Bushido Admin #1 May 9, 2021
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