Affirmitive response.
For sure.
Becky: Are we going to the pub tonight?
Edward: fo shizzle my nizzle
by Anonymous September 8, 2003
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Tom: Was the shizzle on the flip sizzle, wizzle?
Jerry: Fo shizzle, my nizzle.
by Jobot September 6, 2003
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joe - man dis nigga i jus bought is actin up what do i do ?
store guy - stomp on him
joe - stompizzle on my nizzle ? ... all right i got it ! thanx homie . lata
by Randi McRae December 25, 2004
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I couldn't agree with you more.
damn nigga, yo bitch is fly

fo shizzle my nizzle
by Karen December 12, 2003
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stevyb- foo shizzle mi nizzle bacon hallo bac
me-wat da f??
by jajajajaded October 12, 2003
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a dialog:
a nizzles must nows what they sain
a foundation is in combination of words with snoop dogs rhymes, which bless our minds.
1:A shizzle my nizzle.
2:Have ya fuckin grazzle.
1:yeah nizzle it´s white whizzle.
1:And have a fuckin mozzles?
1:Gimi my mozzles or i send a revved up pizzuls onto your fuckin fazzul.
by Lukas March 14, 2003
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