Eleanor is the smartest, kindest, and funniest person you will ever meet. She loves to read in her free time, and is a talented artist. When you first meet her, she will seem shy but as you get to know her she is actually a very interesting person. Offend one of her friends or piss her off, then you are dead. It may seem weird but she has a lot of best friends from all over the world, many of which she is married to. But as she has made clear to her boyfriend, the relationship with her wifeys are purely platonic. Unless of course she is alone when she turns 40, then she will marry Caitlin.
Have you met Eleanor? Isn't she so nice!
by eleanor. fewus 665483112 June 7, 2022
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tiny, short ass, "thing" that will make ur life a nightmare but can also be a nice friend
person1: i got no sleep last night because eleanor
person2: i understand that she cant be that bad, we are good friends
person1: she killed my family
person2: oh...shit man
by milky_banana-69 November 23, 2021
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A poopy butt face that is highkey ugly...... wait i am an eleanor
Girld: "Wow is that a Eleanor! Looks like it cuz shes ugly!"
by elliieeeeeeeeeee December 14, 2019
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she is a lovely girl with brown hair. however, she will leave you after a year and move to london ☹️
person 1: she’s eleanor
person 2: aah she’s gonna leave me!
by musky_xox November 15, 2019
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ugly best friend stealing whore who will be nice to you at first and then talk shit about you to your friends.
dude i literally hate eleanor
by hahahwjabsbaj September 16, 2019
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A slag that doesn't care about the environment and cares more about maths. The only reason for this is so she can calculate her odds of getting an std after a night out.
boy 1: did you get with eleanor?
boy 2: yeah
boy 3: yeah
boy 4: yeah

boy 11: yeah
by keeper of the loaves February 25, 2019
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A girl of many personalities who will often overreact to the slightest of things. She often has one true best friend, they will have there ups and downs but deep inside are connected like no other pair. Eleanor may not be the most attractive on the outside, but on the inside she has a heart of gold with its touches of darkness. She tends not to think before saying or doing something which usually results in something bigger. She tends not to hide her feelings at times and will cry over small things that don’t really matter. Although not very hidden, Eleanor will go through many tough times in her life but power on through them with the help of her bestfriend.
‘Eleanor is a wonderful girl to be around and be friends with, I just wish she was more polite and used her common sense
by aha under rated rat June 7, 2020
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