recyclable itemss eco notebookss and eco blah blah blah
by $EM!N@H4LL1W3LL October 5, 2022
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Something that is supposed to help the environment but actually is just to make consumers feel like they're doing SOMETHING and often causes more harm that help. Example - the plastic straw bans where straws make up 0.03% of ocean plastic pollution whereas commercial fishing nets make up 46% - but we ban straws which many disabled people need.
Straw bans are total eco-theater for ableist people.
by kytyn July 30, 2018
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AEUS Eco-village is a concept startup idea which are intentional communities that prioritize sustainable practices and harmoniously integrate modern technology with organic lifestyles. Every AEUS Eco-village will have biodigesters, incinerator toilets, atmospheric water generators, hydroponics and gardens, plus ecological architecture plus more core aspects. With a commitment to a plant-based and vegan lifestyle, these communities aim to reduce their ecological footprint, promote animal welfare, and foster a compassionate way of life. They feature comprehensive infrastructure, innovative technologies, and farming practices to support sustainable living. Communal centers, art spaces, and free trading zones encourage collaboration, cultural enrichment, and resource sharing. Essential amenities ensure convenience and accessibility for residents. Through careful management and a tiered pass system, AEUS Eco-villages optimize resource allocation and create a fair and inclusive community.
AEUS Eco-villages are intentional communities that prioritize sustainability and promote a compassionate plant-based lifestyle, while integrating innovative technologies and communal spaces.

AEUS Eco-villages uses biodigesters, atmospheric water generators, Incinerator toilets, ecological architecture and hydroponics plus gardens and farms.

I was going to live in a expensive apartment, but instead I chose to live at a AEUS Eco-village. My yearly membership costs the same as one month of rent at a traditional apartment. Plus at the Eco-village my food, water and resources are paid for and secure.

Aeus Eco-village is a concept startup idea.
by Aeusllc July 5, 2023
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A version of patriotism that is the fusion of environmentalism and patriotism. It's also the broad philosophy, ideology, and social movement regarding the concerns for the combination of many different feelings, language relating to one's own homeland, including ethnic, cultural, political or historical aspects toward the environmental protection and improvement of the health of the environment, particularly as the measure for this health seeks to incorporate the impact of changes to the environment on humans, animals, plants and non-living matter. It encompasses a set of concepts closely related to nature-related aspects of green ideology, nationalism, ecologism, cultural nationalism, social ecology, civic nationalism, and environmentalism. Eco-patriotism is the manifistation that emphasizes to love the land means to have love for one's native land and to symbolize agriculture and soil
I belive in eco-patriotism beause i love my nation and care for the environment around me
by Jofag May 20, 2023
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An efficient, affordable weekend home built with re-useable materials
A young busy Bostonite took a break from the bustle of the city to retreat to her eco-weekeno.
by briteideasconsulting April 22, 2009
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a feeling of discontent or covetousness with regard to another's ecological advantages, carbon footprint, greenness, environmental friendliness, etc.

an object of eco-envious feelings: Her new Prius made her the eco-envy of her commune.
Amanda: You know just six months of having solar, and I've saved 4294 lbs of CO2 emissions and produced 2526 kWh!

Damian: Dang girl, I eco-envy your greenness. And my sorry ass only has a solar calculator...
by dcbreezy March 11, 2010
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A well known haxxor from 1337 haxxor st
Eco is most known in com
by touches kids November 27, 2021
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