The most extreme form of being doomed...

You've gone through doomed to quaked to wolfenstine3ded to kens labyrinthed and all the way to Super 3d noa's arked.....

Truly the pinnacle of 3d shooter expressed screwed upedness...
OH fuck! i am soo doomed!
I have no idea what to get anyone for x-mas!
I am doomed! no wait it worse then that I'm wolfenstin 3ded! no wait worse still I'm kens labyrinthed....

Hell I 'm probably Super 3d noa's arked!
by Qrez December 16, 2016
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A small town out over yonder where only rednecks, hillbillies, and white girls can all confidently say they have no life’s. Ark Shitty is the definition of a low life that cheers on their horrible football team, just to get smacked up by 40 every week. Personally if I lived in Ark Shitty, I would end it all.
“You live in Ark City?”
“Yes why?”
I’m sorry.”
ark shitty means you have no life.
by typicalgamer45 September 15, 2023
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When you fuck someone and cum in them over and over till they are packed full then you stick a plug in them off till the jizz hardens in them and you do that till it completely fills them and eventually have to go to the doctor to have it surgically removed and then they have a new snack to eat
My girlfriend and I just got back from the hospital with her new snack I had been working on her dirty ark for months.
by flounder98w March 12, 2021
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A term reserved for when you have a bowel movement, or fart, that is so putrid that everyone the general vicinity is struck down by its face melting power.

The name is in reference to the famous scene from Raiders of the Lost Ark, in which the Ark of the Covenant is opened and all bystanders are swiftly killed by its immense power. Some even had the misfortune of having their faces melt.
While standing in the checkout line at Walmart I was overcome by the need to fart. To relieve pressure, I reluctantly started cracking the lid of the Ark. Once released, everyone in line was immediately incapacitated by its face melting power!
by Showstick September 26, 2018
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Arking is a term in which you create something awful. People who “Ark” are usually simps or pedos.
by Pforpunch March 5, 2020
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Shittest school in ends. Fuck Mr nandi the fag. Most of the mans that go there are snakes 🐍. Only loyal mans in the school are rahat ahsan yahye and hudzz. All the girls are clapped 🤮. Go sym if ur reading this
Ark victoria shit school
by U don't know me g October 9, 2021
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