Situational awareness of the fear of the karmicly fated meeting with a real Native American person, so honest in his or her reality that it sheds a moment of clarity upon the non Native American citizen.
“The injuns shot you with a bow and arrow’s? 🏹 -Help it’s the honest injun’s, Circle the wagons!”
by DeePurple. August 22, 2021
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Slang term for the word kid.
Prounounced "Kade"
Originated from the drink Honest Kids
Guy 1- Look at that kid over there
Guy 2- Oh he's an honest Kaiyd
by Seerboi December 3, 2010
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Being honest and a dick at the same time.
Brison: Yo have you heard of Flatbush!?
Tyrrell: Yes, Brison I think everyone has.
Brison: I didn’t ask for your attitude, I asked a question..
Dylan: It’s called Honestivity Brison
by dyldogsixnine March 29, 2018
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A bottled organic tea company based in Bethesda, Maryland. It was founded in 1998 by Seth Goldman and Barry Nalebuff. The company is a wholly owned subsidiary of The Coca-Cola Company. The name is a pun on the word "honesty".
Honest Tea is the best
by SPrice1980 May 28, 2022
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Hayem is such a great person she's kind she loves helping people, she have quiet & cute personality but she's so strong she always knows how to fix things ، she's Patient, diligent, earnest ,persevering and honest , she loves to smile she have a good heart

Instead of making a lot of fake friends she loves to have even one real best friend

Everyone knows how good person she's

She's a damn GORGEOUS

bro they're so lucky who have Hayem in their lives
God bless u Hayem
GORGEOUS honest smile
by Ugotthis November 23, 2021
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