When an individual is bitching about having Writers Block he is a Writers Cunt
Person 1: Urgggg!
Person 2: No more like Writers Cunt!
Person 1: What is writers cunt?
Person 2: When you bitch about having writers block.
by Tristan Dinkleberg April 1, 2016
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When a writer has way too many ideas that he can't decide what he wants to write.
Guy 1: Hey have you thought of a new idea yet?
Guy 2: Yeah but I can't decide on what I should write about.
Guy 1: Sounds like Writer's Circle.
by kaphonjr September 26, 2021
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A self-deprecating reference after you've made a joke where the wording is awkward, but you still think there's a meaningful joke in there.
It's like when there's a mailman, you know, and so the dog, a Golden Retriever, it was humping his leg, down there.

... the writers will make it funny
by samois98 November 19, 2019
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When you have a severe case of writer's block that's so bad, you get upset.
Symptoms may include:
writer's block
feelings of sadness
might include crying
Meghan's writer's block was so bad, she developed writer's depression.
by Betty Jo April 28, 2020
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“That writer is writering
“I was writering my essay yesterday”
by deez_nuts(pronouncedjohn) October 10, 2021
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I could totally do that! That would be cool. Dan can produce it and I would totally cast you and katy. She has a great voice.
Hym "I could totally do that! Comdey writer sounds like fun."
by Hym Iam March 12, 2023
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When one makes a terrible joke, and the only response that you can muster is a sarcastic, rhetorical question
Guy 1: 'Knock knock'
Guy 2: 'Who's there?'
Guy 1: 'Interrupting cow'
Guy 2: 'Interr-'
Guy 1: 'MOO!'
Guy 2: 'Wow, who's your writer?'
by Flame Warmonger November 12, 2013
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