A 30pack of cheap 3.2% beer.
I have my white trash suitcase packed for the party tonight!
by BigDMoney February 25, 2011
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A ) making use of all materials required for basic survival

B) living on a shoe-string budget
Start living the American dream by living out of a suitcase definition b) if you don't want to accumulate a lot of debt early on.
by Sexydimma April 22, 2017
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A ) making use of all materials required for basic survival

B) living on a shoe-string budget
Start living the American dream by living out of a suitcase definition b) if you don't want to accumulate a lot of debt early on.
by Sexydimma June 5, 2021
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Settling in to what was once meant to be a temporary situation.
Man 1: "Seems weird that you're still dating Katie. Did you put your suitcase under the bed or something?"
Man 2: "Yeah, at first she was just a rebound but it turns out we have a ton in common. I can definitely see us going somewhere."

"Y'know working at the local bookstore was just going to get me through college, but I love the people and the pays pretty good, so I might put my suitcase under the bed at this one."
by Mission Tortillas December 15, 2014
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Sturdy like a suitcase. You can fit a lot into her (during sex). Or meaning she as a big ass.
"Damn, girl! You are built like a suitcase!"
by frazzle1122 March 26, 2014
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When a man inserts his nuts into another man's ass. A gay sex position.
"Kevin likes it when Josh gives him the muffin suitcase."
by CerealRapist September 25, 2016
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Being dumped, broken up with, kicked out of the house, divorce.

(premise being,) with all your stuff in 2 bin liners/black bags/bin bags.
Are kid got the odd Salford suitcase thither day,

Guy next door got bin bagged yesterday, seen him Well I g up street with Salford suitcases.
by Gavalaff83 September 29, 2018
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