1 Another word for a chick's pussy.

2 I word I use (in a funny ass way!) for "jizz", "nut", "cum", etc.

3 A food. Look like a fat mushroom made of bread. Tastes better, but not smoked too well. lol.
1 Person 1: MMM! I'd like to "butter" that muffin!
Person 2: Hell yeah! I love to get in her fuckin hot muffin!

2 "Damn dude! You muffined all over my face! Why you gotta go crazy like that when you muffin!?" lol

3 Person 1: I made some muffins last night.
Person 2: What kind?
Person 1: Frist batch was Blueberry, the second was banana-nut!
Person 2: Yum!
by ..::juggalette::ettelagguj::.. February 25, 2005
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When a humongous obese and disgusting girl thinks she is the hottest babe in the world and wears tight pants and small shirts making her belly pop out and look like a muffin top from a side view.
Also used as a way to insult a fat girl who thinks shes hot and getting away with it.
1. When a humongous obese and disgusting girl thinks she is the hottest babe in the world and wears tight pants and small shirts making her belly pop out and look like a muffin top from a side view.
2. Also used as a way to insult a fat girl who thinks shes hot and getting away with it.
by benbaggg May 13, 2008
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1. A Realy cool person.
2. A person who has 2 much time.
3. A sweet, kind person.
4. Something to eat.
Hey that muffin rocks!
That muffin should get a boy friend!
I love that muffin shes so nuce!
Mmmmm I like muffins
by Sam July 20, 2004
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Oh you are such a little muffin, i think i might hug you!
by Leah May 29, 2003
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The act of eating your girls muffin until you almost cum and stick a muffin in her and then use a mixer one her vag and then after make her call you a baker
He muffining so hard last night that Donald trump came to check on them
by Robloxian penis October 2, 2019
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The act of Muff Munchin; The female art of eating things with da cooch.
Kelly what you doin? Just muffin' this pop-tart
by wantsome August 12, 2004
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One of many words from my everday use.
" Awe, muffin./ Would you like a hug, muffin?"
by Kym April 15, 2005
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