You have to meet an Emerson in your life

She is a little crazy at times but know how to pleasure you in bed also often dry on text but the most amazing person ever
She can be your energy drink Or Energizer bunny
I need a Emerson right now

Oh and if I forget to mention ...
She will know where you live so BE CAREFUL!!
by Eclipse_LambX13 November 23, 2021
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She is really crazy and is funny like 3 times a year. Very weird kind of smells but really okay
*tells a bad joke* wow you sound like Emerson purdy
by Anonymous10297481074629 April 25, 2022
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Sonja Emerson is the sexiest girl at OPRF. She is really cool and better than everyone else. Fuck you 😩👹🤤✋🤪🥵
Do you know Sonja Emerson?
Omg Sonja is literally so hot.
by Tabascobitch November 22, 2021
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Gracen is an absolutely incredible girl. She is one of the best relationship partners you can ever have. She is loyal, honest, and outright caring. She can easily make you laugh and her smile is to die for. On a scale of beaty from one to ten, she breaks the scale. She is always there for her friends and never let’s them down. All of these things describe her well but she sometimes acts like she doesn’t know it. Be thankful if you know a Gracen because you are one of the luckiest guys/girls in the world.
Person 1: “Did you see Gracen Emerson today? She lookin’ good as always!”
Person 2: “Yeah I know, Gracen always looks good! I just wish she could be mine.”
Person 1: “Yeah, me too.”
by BDOG102603 March 14, 2019
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She’s the most kind person you will meet she will protect you at all cost and will never let you down she’s such a kind soul and she’s goofy and funny at the same time if you’re weird like her Emerson is your go to person
them:WHOS YOUr bestie
me: Emerson lemon

by Tokyo aka James December 11, 2021
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the sweetest couple to ever be. Both have liked each other for ages and will always be there for each other.

Megan and Emerson. AKA the perfect pair.
you: who are they?
me: megan and emerson
you: awww, they are so cute together
me: ikr!
by unknown...42 December 4, 2020
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When you are telling a story and become self aware that the story is getting too long and your audience is distinguished. At this point it is best to stop the story at this point. Based off of Emerson who told notoriously long and boring stories.
Yo man I was telling this story to Mary Helen and had the Emerson Effect! I got out of there real quick before people got too bored.
by Marky No Likey April 15, 2015
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