To sauce means to give someone something they want without asking for anything in return. Baiscally to give someone somthing.
*Tom has french fries*
Bobby: Yo Tom sauce me a frie
Tom: Ight *gives Bobby a frie*

Girl#1: Omg Mr.J like totally sauced me those grades, Im pretty sure I failed
Girl#2: Yasss betch yass
by Bambino5298 October 12, 2015
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Made from tomato-
by lego adam November 9, 2016
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Lemmie get some mo o dat sauce fo da salad dis shits dry as a mo fucka
by carlor92 January 11, 2016
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To get rid of something is to "sauce" it. Or, it was "sauced."
"I sauced that jerk!" Meaning you broke up with someone. Or, "I sauced that assignment." Meaning you blew it off, or didn't do it. Or, "Dang...She is..."Saucy". Meaning she gets rid of things or situations she doesn't need or don't serve her very quickly.
by MessAnger August 23, 2014
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to have intercourse, particularly sweaty and kinky intercourse
Melissa: Did you and Mark sauce last night?
Liz: Yeah, I had to change the sheets afterward.
by Molly O September 17, 2008
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These days, --sauce is a popular suffix which can project multiple meanings depending on the chosen prefix. Could possibly describe lameness, coolness, hotness, amazingness, and other 'nesses.
Jeeves: Wow, your shirt is way lame-sauce today.
Jimbo: Yeah, well your face is beat-sauce so shut the f@#$ up, Jeeves.

Martha: (talking about season finale of The O.C.) I can't believe it! Marissa is totally dead-sauce!
Gerald: Yeah man. She was totally hot-sauce.

--sauce is possibly the best suffix ever. whatttt.
by shringadingadinga May 31, 2006
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Something or someone venerated or referred to as "cool" or such.
"Look at that kid walking around like he's the sauce--I hate him."
by GetItPDick April 15, 2009
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