Also known as "triple dollar sign"

Representing a large sum of money, having spent a lot of money to a small fortune on something
"Dude I just dropped triple sign on a sweet car!"
"My phone legit cost triple sign, if you know what I mean."
by TheWalkingSPGiraffee March 1, 2015
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Third eye, Reason, Consciousness. Used heavily in UG hip hop.
Damn, that girl has some crazy triple optic. Yeah shes down.
by infiniteimagination July 5, 2012
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1. A three way involving your french lover, 1 of their relatives, an ungodly amount of olive oil, and probably the dark lord Cthulhu.

2. A french dish consisting of pork, mayonnaise, cheese, and onions.
Bro, dinner with my girlfriend, Marie Du'peaux, and her stern but gentle father was awful. All we had to eat was a Triple French Pork. Luckily, her dad saved the evening when he offered to have a Triple French Pork with us. I didn't know where her body ended and his began.
by Richard Slinger February 16, 2021
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Person who, in relation to the other person, has zero parents, zero grandparents and six great-grandparents in common.
My triple-second-cousin is a good person.
by Gerald128 May 15, 2021
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A very intense wedgie in which the victim is given an atomic wedgie. But instead of stopping at the face, it goes down through the legs and back up into an atomic again. Now do that last part 2 more times. Viola, a triple lollipop.
Dude did you see that guy get a triple lollipop yesterday? Shit was gnarly.
by Wedgie_expert101 August 22, 2022
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Being drunk high and buzzed off of nicotine all at the same time
My boi Noah was triple deckered at that party last night
by Steeze February 11, 2022
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Being drunk high and buzzed off of nicotine all at the same time
My boi Noah was triple deckered at that party last night
by Steeze February 11, 2022
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