The Juan Z is the action of combing/pushing your hair with your hands in order to avoid an awkward moment with someone, most often times a woman
Paul: yo did you see Juan ? Instead of smacking that stripper's ass dry humping him he just pushed his hair back with his hands.
Murray: I did bro, Paul did that to avoid being a douche and getting tossed out of the club man.
Paul: Yea it was steroid bro I and to do The Juan Z to avoid getting tossed out.
by Juan the Builder November 9, 2013
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A Eliza Z is a beautiful Human being inside and out. She's an accomlished artist musician and plug. She is so stunning that everyone thinks shes a movie star and when you are with her everyone wonders how you got lucky enough to hang with her. She gives to charity and is a vegetarian. She is loved and protected by karma and her friends. Her never answering phone calls or texts is so charming but Her weaknesses are few. The most disturbing of her weaknesses is she can't tell time. She can read and do math but alas the poor girl can't tell a lick of time. She is the one that made being late gangster. She is definitely Semper Fidelus
by Gunnystrange January 10, 2023
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when your more bored than a dead dead man so you think, I’ve done qazplm, but what if I do it with spaces!?
by Howdoidothis August 5, 2022
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Buraczki z Serem to tak zwane serwery toksyczne lub nie odpowiednie na platformie ,,Discord".
PrzykładowaOsobaNumer1: Znasz Buraczki z Serem?
PrzykładowaOsobaNumer2: Tak, bardzo toksyczna atmosfera.
by EchelGamer123 October 30, 2020
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Taking your work laptop home with you, and then forgetting to bring it with you to work the following day. Requires you to turn around and go back home for retrieval, or request to check one out from the company IT department for the day.
I pulled a Z-low and will be 30 minutes late to work this morning.
Z-lowing has reduced employee productivity by 11% in the second quarter.
Every time a deadline comes up I always pull a Z-low...soooooo annoying!
Dude, what's a bigger bummer - lighting your hair on fire when blowing out birthday candles, or z-lowing?
by kali0055 August 19, 2013
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When a zombie apocalypse show gives you just enough to make you watch it but not enough action to satisfy.
"This new season of 'The Walking Dead' is so's giving me a nasty case of Z-balls."
by KennedyisFunny October 31, 2011
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1. A wonderful, light brown haired boy who I’ve gotten the pleasure of being with for the past year and a half. He’s funny, sweet, and cute. His eyes are light blue and he’s somewhat tall. Van has freckles scattered on his face and on some other parts of his body. Van’s my favorite person and I love him very much.

2. He’s also going to college soon and will probably find a new girlfriend, so if you get to be with him you are really lucky. Please take good care of him and love him. Whoever gets to be Van’s girlfriend in a year from now, please just love him more than you’ve loved anything else in your life. He deserves it.
1. Me: “Van Z is the best boyfriend I’ve ever had!”
2. College girls: “Have you seen Van Z? He’s so handsome, I’m going to date him!”
by SnowFreckles December 21, 2022
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