Tawni is a princess. I’m taller than torch.
Princess Tawni owes me M&M’s
by Princess Tawni December 13, 2019
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The least majestic, narcissistic alcoholic you know.
Always looking Rough And Stuff.
Oh god, Princess Ruffnstuff is on her bullshit again.
by LizbethBorden December 8, 2019
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When you are an Australian Prince and you meet an everyday Danish girl (who may or may not also be from Germany) in Vietnam and try to get nudes
Oh man, can't believe the boys stumbled into a Reverse Princess Mary situation last night
by Tev13 June 21, 2018
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Girl who always gets behind the DJ booth
1.) She’s always posting videos of her behind the DJ booth, she’s a booth princess.

2.) DJ: I need my booth princess here with me.
by OAbbyA May 2, 2024
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A woman who’s very feminine who likes to peg masculine men or a feminine gay man who’s clearly a bottom but claims he’s a top.
“Hey girl, I can’t stay out for long tonight. I’m pegging John tonight.”

“Okay Peggy! He’s like 6’4 and is a gym rat and your 5’2 walking ken doll. I knew you were a Peg Princess!”
by Caulk_Socket July 30, 2023
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That incredibly hot girl .When you where a kid. Letting her go was stupid. 20 years roll by but still she's the one. By miracle she shows back up she is a perfect Princess Jasmine like no time has passed then you realize she will always be your Perfect Princess Jasmine.
Dam is that girl from the hood back in the day she still a perfect Princess Jasmine
by kprichmond925 May 7, 2021
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a princess in the show Adventure Time that Keep9 simps for
we :FPLove: Keep9, but her Flame Princess addiction is getting out of habd
by idioc December 8, 2021
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