The very pleasant act of taking a shit whilst swimming in a dam, the ocean, etc
A Clean break everytime :)
Urgh ,
When we were sitting in the shallows at the beach today my friend walked upwind and did a Greek tourist which then floated thru the middle of our group, this caused a couple of our gals to vomit and therefore waste alcohol !!!
by Vicbittertoo October 24, 2020
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A very chinky tourists who likes to eat dogs on a regular basis and is regularly seen near the ruins of feniscowles trying to catch little kiddies for his Chinese factories
"Fucking keep it down MILES you Chubster I think chinkys"

"What that tourist that eats FuCkinG DoGS On A ReGUlaR BaSIs"

"Yh, so stfu or else he will send us of to China with all the other kids"

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Some one who travels to Bangkok with expectations and desire for things to happen, definitely not for the sex.
How about if we had more hope tourists than sex tourists?
by Dizzydent January 13, 2021
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Often have a mix of old buildings, old buildings with newer interior, and newer buildings with older interior selling adult (vulgar not sus) products, local foods, rip off toys, and playing 80s pop music
Mackinac is a Midwest tourist town
by Nascarfan2007 September 18, 2022
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When people have no known connections to a deceased person but insist on attending the funeral as they do not want to miss out on a community event
"My neighbours didn't even know the bloke, but sure enough they Had to be there, the damn funeral tourists..."

"They wouldn't miss it, they are funeral tourists and have to be seen at every event, like as if it is a public spectacle or a community event."
by RatbagKiwi December 7, 2017
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The kind of tourist that walks around clicking a photo of landmarks on their phone and ticking it off the list before moving on to the next spot. Rinse and repeat.
Haha, check at out that click and tick tourist, just clicking and ticking...
Move on
Rinse and repeat
by 2rubloo June 16, 2018
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One who travels the country dropping bombs in common tourist locations.
My freind's uncle would be an example of a Nucky Tourist. He created the grand canyon with a Nuclear Bomb
by Thegragacious Bear armer June 4, 2012
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