the act of tying your hoodie around your waste, which is often done by young kids and tennis players.
Sarah: Woah, is Jenn a tennis player?

David: nah she's just pulling a fifth grader
by Endstep January 13, 2011
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8th graders that think they are huge bad ass' and act all tough. Generally they hang around in "town" as Main Street or the huge mini mall in town. All of them are anti-drinking/smoking because they all live in the 8th grade dream. Many believe that they are captains of the universe due to the fact they are in 8th grade. Punk ass 8th graders are in the worst stage during the last two months of school so watch out in April/May/June for them.
Man those punk ass 8th graders were just hanging out at the mall.

The 9th grader said "i fucking hate those punk ass 8th graders acting like they are so cool since they are in 8th grade.
by FAR OUT August 12, 2006
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In relation to the game show Are You Smarter Then A 5th Grader, it is asking whether a female's vagina is tight or loose. Or, whether she is a good girl or a dirty tea-bagging whore.
I saw a hottie from across the room but she looked like she'd been passed around, so before I sealed the deal I asked her, "Girl I got to know, are you tighter then a 5th grader?"
by SNL16 March 28, 2009
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Adjective: Used to describe a girl with braces who likes to suck dick.
Joe: Hey Sol, Matt... Did you here about Tiffany?!

Sol And Matt: No what?!

Joe: She's a New York Cheese Grader!!

Sol And Matt: Fuck Yes.
by Titty Mc'Tittyfuck January 24, 2010
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Always think someone is stealing their man(even if he looks like a dead rat) still don’t know the difference between foundation and orange eyeshadow. Thinks it’s cool to brag about “juuling”when you haven’t touched one in your whole itty bitty life. Still posts 11:11 on their story’s even tho NO ONE GIVES AF!
by pimpinsince’69 December 5, 2019
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A short mexican girl with a weave, booty shorts, bad spelling and other things that make them a ugly ass potato with hair extensions. Also, the typical ratchet 6th grader includes still saying "or nah," and a Shitty Instagram with song lyrics as the caption of every fucking selfie.
"Destiny is such a slut"

"Don't worry she's just a typical ratchet 6th grader"
by Really ugly ass nigga December 11, 2014
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You try to get along with everyone but people aren’t in anyway positive they negative as fuck and they will give you depression and if you get bullied by a Farnsworth 7th Grader and you tell them that they are bullying you they will just say “I was just kidding” or “it was just a joke calm down” and y’all have heard of whitewash right? Well at Farnsworth we ain’t got no whitewash kids we got blackwash kids instead. So for you parents out there your 7th grade Farnsworth student is either blackwash , “the smart kid” who is actually smart but try’s to act ghetto and seems really fake and you wanna punch her/him in the face, the bully that don’t know they a bully, or the kid who thinks they are from the hood, the short kid who swears he a gangster or the person who gets depressed because of their school. so do a favor and transfer them please thank you and that is all, (this is literally Farnsworth Students including boys and girls)
Each of those ghetto kids must be a (7th grader at Farnsworth Aerospace)

How do you know?

Look at them with the way they act they for sure from Farnsworth
by shut your mouth bitch November 9, 2019
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