a combination of many insults; douche bag, noob, nouche, fag, asian, and lagzor. douche bag evovled to nouche bag when combined with nube. nouche bag turned into nouche fag for a gay guy. that combined with nouche lag, a noob who lags on xbox live to make nouche flag. and then you call an asian guy nouche frag to make fun of his accent. it also conveniently makes it frag, like a frag grenade. get it?
that gay asian guy sucks at halo and lags so much! what a nouche frag!
by brendantron July 4, 2008
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When a girl is jerking you off, and points your dick in your face as you finish, so you "friendly frag" yourself.
Aaron was about to cum, when his girlfriend caused him to friendly frag himself.
by B-O-U-S-S BOSS! February 20, 2011
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playing call of duty at tafe instead of doing work
p1 "frag sesh"
p2 "i'll set up servs"
by LEM Chino April 22, 2005
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This could mean two things:
1. you are on the winning team and destroying the other team
2. you are on the losing team, still getting top 3 overall but have the worst teammates in the world
1. Yo god2093, you top frag every game.
2. I am always a top frag(ger), but I always have the worst teammates
by daddie#6969 November 9, 2020
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After having sex the man removes his condom lights it on fire and slaps the woman in the face with it.
Dr. Gomez: Man, last night was awesome!
Janelle: Why?
Dr. Gomez: I gave my girl a Tijuana Frag Grenade last night and she almost puked!
by BMan123 May 11, 2010
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basically, when a game finally picks a decent host and you go /beastmode on all of the bad kids in the server
"mw2 finally decided to pick a good host, me"

"omg so it was all frag, no lag?"

"oh yeah, i ripped those kids"
by mhmzoar February 16, 2010
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