When you’re fisting a girl while listening to 5fdp
Tony: yo i was listening to 5 finger death punch while fisting kayla
James: you five finger cunt punched her?
by Jerky finger June 30, 2018
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what a dirty prick! Literally. Doing the five fingered foreskin fandango. Disgusting.
by johnnylongprong January 27, 2009
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a masturbation technigue used on females which requires you to insert all five fingers into the vagina.
I walked in on your mother last night preforming the five finger knuckle shuffle
by fresh2defa June 18, 2009
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Where you jab your hand up someone else's ass, but then, quickly forming your hand into a fist before it hits the anus. The resulting impact kills the person instantly. Ideal for a KO move.
Inspired by the term "anal death punch" and the band "Five Finger Death Punch" (an amalgamation of each phrase).
*InsertNameHere* gives person B a five finger anal death punch. B drops dead almost immediately.
by jedarus May 15, 2009
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Speaks for itself, this is a means of a gentleman pleasuring himself (also know as wanking.
boys, She gives a good Five finger jive on the leather cherry
by marktrottman November 5, 2007
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