The best rap group ever, coming straight out of Pittsburgh. They will be the biggest group ever cuz they focus on all the "possibilities"
Person 1:What are the possibilities of OCD: moosh and twist goin big?
Person 2:They are huge duh!!!
by macmillersdope1143524562362546 September 16, 2011
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traveler word for meaning it's Ok, Good, Has Worth or is safe like others in the didiki language including grammer 1 word many meanings moosh, means a person man bloke and cushty means good safe has worth but used both together usually
that car looks cushty moosh or it looks cushty moosh round here !!that chavy is cushty moosh
by paccione June 25, 2023
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Mainly used against game developers, but it can be used for any developer, art, music, etc. Its called Moosh because it refers to a Newgrounds developer who published a game that was in beta and left it there to rot and never updated it, even though he said he was working on it. Used when a developer just leaves a perfectly good game to rot.
Wow, this game is still in beta, he is pulling a Moosh!

Damn, that boi just did that!
by Cryna December 16, 2017
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To move or get out of the way.
Moosh please

by May 1, 2022
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Pushing someone's forehead with the tip of of your fingers in order to annoy them or start some beef.
Popular in NYC in the 90's.
Yo, that herb just mooshed you, son. You betta go get yo moosh back.
by Quaker Oats Guy September 2, 2021
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you: jesscia, you look a bit moosh!

jessica : yeah, i got a bad test back
by Zoe Zito August 17, 2017
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