A tall leprechaun lawyer is a tall man resembling a leprechaun. Tall leprechaun lawyers can be referred to as the Ericsan. Tall leprechaun lawyers are often found to be incredibly nerdy nerd nerd like. They are often found in law firms listening to 80's top hits. Tall leprechaun lawyers can often be confused with the average leprechaun man. The difference is a tall leprechaun lawyer will have a small, fuzzy, white dog by their side, often referred to as da fuzz, and they will also a sacred belly-button. Tall leprechaun lawyers can be found in breweries or courts, these are their natural habitats. If you are so lucky as to find a tall leprechaun lawer make sure you ask for legal advice, hand them a beer, and say merry Christmas, because it is obviously their belief that Christmas and St. Patrick's day are combined all year.
Wow! By the looks of him, and his small, fluffy, white dog, he must be a tall leprechaun lawyer!
by HANARCHY_the 80's December 22, 2016
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Saint Patrick's Day as celebrated in the United States of America. Typical celebration rituals include college girls dressed like slutty leprechauns, drinking green beer, dyeing city rivers green, and punching your loved ones in the face.
Check out those college girls dressed like slutty leprechauns, bastardizing and disgracing Irish culture. I love Slutty Leprechaun Day!
by Dandhi March 17, 2018
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When someone looks like absolute shit, but might get lucky and have at least one person think they look good.
Person#1- What is her hair? It looks like shit with a hint of leprechaun.

Person#2- Yeah it does, but she has a boyfriend so therefore she got lucky and he thinks it looks good.
by try. January 19, 2010
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When, as the girl of the night is sucking your cock, you proceed to pop open a can of Guinness and, after taking a drag of its deliciousness, you pour it on her face, taking extreme pleasure in her agony at having snorted Guinness... All on St. Patricks day...
Dude, I totally gave that girl a leprechaun special last night, you should have seen the look on her face...
by Phoenix151 March 18, 2010
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when you are fucking a chick doggystyle, you pick your nose and wipe it underneath her nose, hence giving her a green mustache aka the DIRTY LEPRECHAUN!!!
dude... I was nutting my wife from behind last night and I had this greener I fished outta my nose and gave her a Dirty Leprechaun!
by GOBLINGRINCH September 1, 2008
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A small, poor, woman who cleans piss for a living and wears green.
(usually shouted as walking past)
- Leprechaun Woman!
by Bxa cRu July 7, 2003
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My teacher.
A midget who is angry and is a middle-aged man, who teaches at a school for fuck-ups. Ugly, single, and flirts with the office ladies. Drives an ugly-ass Scion, and wears a pleather jacket that squeaks louder than the rats living in his walls.
Oh look here comes the non-Irish leprechaun, let's book it.
by DwightIsAlmighty July 28, 2019
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