Financially single as a term when you are single because no one can meet you on a financial level .
Luka broke up with Jesse because Jesse never had no money to do anything of importance so hence he is Financially single for this

by Jus la biggz January 11, 2020
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When you lose money or capital to price gouging, inflation or fraud
Shopping at this store is financial assrape because everything is $10 to $20 more than other stores on the same items.
by jondich April 28, 2018
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A word coined by Quechua Artist Akapa Supay. This word was coined or created from a blog post he posted on his website which was titled "Financial Decolonization". In simpler terms, its true meaning is unlearning bad financial habits, while adopting financial literacy.
"Did you hear how Chester was saving up his money, used it to invest , while doubling his profit? That's some real Financial Decolonization right there"

"My rent is $1,500 for the month and I only had $2,000 to spend this month. I saw this new game system that was another $500, but when I calculated rent and purchasing the game system I didn't think it was a smart decision. I had to ask myself if It was a necessity, and because It wasn't I chose to save my extra $500. I wanted to execute my Financial Decolonization methods during the heat of the moment.
by Yuraqamaru July 30, 2022
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