1. Someone who has difficulty determining right from left

2. Someone who often confuses directions, and prefers visual aids.

3. Someone who has great difficulty reading maps and/or driving while listening to directions.

Can be spelt using a hyphen, if needed.
Are you directionally challenged? I told you to turn left two blocks ago; we're going to be late now!

Woman: You just turned left instead of right.

Man: I'm sorry, I'm directionally-challenged.
by Joy Rising March 27, 2010
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A dilemma that only a Directioner faces because half of him/her desperately wants 1D to be back together but the other half wants them to carry on with their solo career because they were unhappy when they were together as a band.
Directioner 1: Do you want the boys to be back together?
Directioner 2: Yes but I also want them to be happy. Ugh Directioner Dilemma!
by one_crazy_directioner June 16, 2019
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The username of a directioner who asked a question to the cast of the movie Dunkirk, film in which Mr. Harry Styles makes a glorious appereance.
Interviewer: we have a question from potato directioner on twitter
The whole Dunkirk cast: *barely being able to hold their laugh*
by dapimpiseresince2012 September 11, 2020
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A state beyond directionally challenged. One who is directionally retarded is legitimately useless at navigating anywhere, either by vehicle or by foot. This includes following a navigation system, going to locations they have been to countless times, or even as simple as following someone else's directions who is sitting in the passenger seat of your car. No matter the circumstances, no matter the stakes, one with directional retardation will simply always find a way to fuck it up. This accumulation of wrong turns and missed exits during any voyage means that they are generally always late to everything.
Driver- Ok, what exit do I take?
Passenger- Take exit 4 and then turn right onto cherry street.
Driver (takes exit 5 and then turns left onto Apple street)- Sorry, I'm directionally retarded
by LemonZest June 20, 2016
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a directioner that refuses to tell anyone that they like One Direction; they know all of their songs, own a bunch of merchandise, and secretly dance around in their room to WMYB; usually happens with boys that are in denial about liking pop music. in fact, they are so in denial that they are drowning
OMG, Stacy, Darren is such a Closet Directioner! I saw him dancing in his room to What Makes You Beautiful, and i took pictures and videos!
by Kaeree36 April 29, 2015
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Zoya Directioner is a girl who is extremely hilarious, gorgeous, sassy, fun loving and crazy over five boys who are also known as the biggest boyband in the world. Zoya Directioner who loves to eat just like her idol niall horan, sleep like zayn malik, be strong and sassy like louis tomlinson, cute and charming like harry styles and last but not least caring and protective like Liam Payne. If you have a zoya Directioner in your life never ever let her go because you would never found anyone as beautiful, hot, funny and caring like her.
Person 1: look zoya Directioner is here!
Person 2: damn, I wanna be her!
by crazyzirectionermofo June 18, 2019
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A colloquial, quasi-humorous term for someone who is unsure of their location in space and may even be unclear about the left versus right sides of their own body. As psychological testing suggests, women may tend on average to have better liguistic skills than men, while men, in general, might have better orientation in space, so a man who is "directionally challenged" may be seen as less masculine by his peers. If a lifelong trait, it may represent a form of Minimal Brain Damage (MBD) related to Dyslexia or Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD); but if it occurs for the first time in a middle-aged or older person, it might herald a future dementia, such as Alzheimer's Disease (AD).
One reason (aside from instilling discipline) that the armed forces emphasize close-order drill in the training of recruits is to weed out the directionally challenged as someone who is such--"S'matter? Doncha know yer left from yer right? You directionally challenged or sompin'?"--will tend to do poorly on the battlefield and may even jeopardize the lives of his or her fellow soldiers, sailors, or fellow fliers.
by DrWhosis April 4, 2010
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