Some one who bites at the clit very vigorously chomping away at it. The individual will be sucking it like a tiny little cock.
Girl 1: “Oh yeah my boyfriend gave me the best orgasm the other day”

Girl 2: “Oh damn he must have been one of those clitoris munchers”
by April 3, 2022
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The lesbian/ gay equivalent of cock blocking but for two girls
*Brianna and Lydia kissing
Karen-God they are at it again
Brianna-Karen stop being a clitoris fence.
by MECHSandppp December 13, 2019
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someone who blocks you from getting some action from either a guy or girl
She is such a clitoris prohibitus i was just about to fuck him/her
by the worst man ever February 4, 2016
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A nub of flesh on the top of someone's asshole. Pretty fucking gross.
I was fucking your mom in the ass and I tapped her ass clitoris and she squirted diarrhea on me.
by Uncle Funkalunkel October 29, 2003
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after having 24 hours of sex, you have just queefed, and all the cum falls out of the vigina.(over and over again)
also known as a clit cough.(if only happens once)
Man: Oh my god! what the hell is going on?
Woman: I have a clitorious congestion.
Man: Is that normal?
Woman: Sure.. i guess..
by Esperanza Stiffler January 3, 2010
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Far from the classical term Netflix and Chill. Here the participants focus only on the Clitoris of your partner, partner's sister, partner's mom or your own.

You discuss the daily struggles of the average Clitoris while watching comedies, as it gets more relaxed. Once the Clitoris is chilled enough the participants can suggest to proceed further to Netflix and Chill. But be careful not to skip steps as you might end up in Spotify and Hug and then be very sad.
Average Joe: "I did the netflix and Clitoris yesterday"

More average Joe: "Nice bruh... with whom? Did the Clitoris chill?"

Average Joe: "with your mom!"
More average Joe: "oh, i bet she was nervous and just gave the Spotify and Hug at the end"
by speckman April 18, 2019
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