Definition of Atta Boy

: a male who is dependent of, but not restricted to, a person of a higher status, a codependent male

: somebody with low self esteem, a down graded male

: the opposite of the scientifically correct definition of an alpha male, an ass kiss king
Ay, you lookin for a pat on the back
With an atta boy, ya

(Layto - ALPHA)
by PressEsc December 13, 2020
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A Toronto MC representing D.O.P.E. Entertainment, aka Sinista aka Majic City
Dope Boy Majic
by Big_Ton July 11, 2008
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A drunken grandad that loves boating and is truely legit.
Damn Thant grandpa is so cool. Must be a Kenny boy
by Kwidgy October 7, 2019
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Boys who are extremely horny and will literally do anything to get into your pants. Most of them are ugly asf too. They are super dumb and think they have a chance
"Dude I don't date GURDON BOYS they.

"EW... A Gurdon boy is looking at me"
by Cuntbreathandpenis November 9, 2017
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Someone who is sad, hurt or 'down bad' in any sense. I.e heartbroken. bruised heart etc.
"Did you hear about Tyler Getting dumped by Haley?"

"Yeah he's a big bruise boy right now"
by bruiseboy47 April 20, 2021
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A lit sad boy that breaks hearts often and can be bad and good at times
by Lil Boy G February 18, 2018
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Doin boy is a way of making fun of something you see unsual
(friend) hey look at cracked out Karen over there! (You) DOIN BOYYYYY (has to be said in an Aussie accent for the authenticity
by Litlick September 15, 2022
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